Tuesday 2 August 2011

Poll: Best track on Fly from Here

And our latest poll results, for your favourite track on Fly from Here, are as follows. There were 124 votes:

"Into the Storm" 30   24%
"Fly From Here Pt II - Sad Night at the Airfield"   25   20%
"Fly From Here Pt I - We Can Fly" 16   13%
"The Man You Always Wanted Me to Be" 14   11%
"Hour of Need" 11   9%
"Life on a Film Set" 10   8%
"Fly From Here Pt III - Madman at the Screens" 8   6%
"Fly From Here - Overture" 3   2%
"Fly From Here Pt IV - Bumpy Ride" 3   2%
"Fly From Here Pt V - We Can Fly Reprise" 3   2%
"Solitaire" 1   1%

So, perhaps no surprise that "Into the Storm", picked out as a highlight in so many reviews, has come out top with about a quarter of the total vote, although cumulatively the "Fly from Here" suite amassed about half the total vote (61 votes; 49%).

The one piece so far played live, the single "We Can Fly", comes in third with 13% of the vote, beaten by Part II. Surprisingly, "The Man You Always Wanted Me to Be" came fourth, despite having attracted some criticism in reviews.

I can't remember now whether I voted myself for "Hour of Need" or "Fly from Here - Overture"!


  1. I voted for "Hour of Need" immediately when I had a chance to listen to the album. "Into the Storm" and "Sad Night at the Airfield" are indeed very strong, but I still consider HoN to be the highlight of the album for me, and I rank it among such Yes classics as "Your Move" and "Roundabout". Too bad that Jon (if he ever rejoined the band) would probably never sing it.

  2. I think the top 5 should be played live. They really don't need to play the whole FFH suite. (But I wouldn't mind if they did.) Sad Night is really a great piece. I can't remember if I voted for that or not. The more I listen to it the better it gets. Into The Storm could easily be in FFH suite. Probably before or after Bumpy Ride.

  3. The apparently anonymous Ray said...
    I voted for "Madman at the Screens," but that's because you didn't give the full-length version of "Hour of Need" as an option. Following "Into the Storm," this album certainly ends well, and it always makes me want to play the whole disc again.

  4. Interesting that "anonymous" thought "Into the Storm" could have been in the FFH suite. I had the same impression. Considering it is the only track on the album co-written by Oliver Wakeman, the original intent very well might have been for that. As a side note, I think the popularity of "Into the Storm" comes from its being the most adventurous track on the album. It's what I was hoping the whole album would have been (more adventurous).
