With the end of the year approaching, it's a traditional time for retrospectives and awards. Prog begins with their Critics' Choice, a top 20 chosen by 22 writers and editors at the magazine. Anathema's Weather Systems comes top, followed by Rush's Clockwork Angels and Marillion's Sounds That Can't be Made. No Yesmen are in the top 20, but Adam Wakeman's band Headspace make #19 with their debut album, I am Anonymous.
Prog also gives the 22 individual responses. Producers' Made in Basing Street (with Horn and Downes) makes four lists, including topping one. Squakett's A Life Within a Day is on six lists; Asia's XXX is on three lists. Trevor Rabin's Jacaranda, Glass Hammer's Perilous and Nektar's A Spoonful of Time appear once each.
In the reissue category, Larks' Tongues in Aspic comes second, with King Crimson's Live in Argentina 1994 comes fifth in the multimedia category.